Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Evil Child-Support System Of Wickedness!

Child-Support or the FOC is an evil towards the poor male. All males are effected by the unfairness that this law brings. But the poor males are the more effected because it sends already poor males into homelessness and crime. Child-Support or the FOC is robing peter to pay paul by taking money from a poor male especially the African American and saying it is "child-support" when the money that it is taking goes back to the state to pay for the poor mothers welfare.

Also payment is forced on a male through child-support enforcments. Money is being snached out the pay check of a poor male without regard to bills or living expense. If a poor male is receiving un-employment checks money is being tooked out of there also. Even if a male is out of work and not receiving un-employment checks a police warrant is placed on him because he is not paying. When he goes to jail for about three nights he is let go but not before signing a legal document.

The collection of the FOC or child-support system is alike no other. If a person owes the agency everything could be tooken from him just like if he owed taxes. The Foc can take up to 1 half of a persons income and almost that of his un-employment check. There is simply no way a poor male can get ahead if he is on child-support. It is as if he is being punished for his role in producing a child in the world while a female has a option to abort parenthood a male does not!

That is right! While a female can unburden herself by having a abortion or putting her unwanted baby up for adoption a male is unfairly stuck. Thats right! Unfairly stuck. He is stuck because he is the only participent in producing a child that has no choice. Now clearly this is seen as a favoring of one sex over the other. It is giving the poor female the option to unburden herself while the male has to suffer. I am really talking about poor males but all males are treated unfairly.

Congress has said in the constitution that it will make no law favoring one sex over the other. Giving poor females the option to withdraw from parenthood and not males would seem to any thinking person that congress is indeed favoring one sex over the other. Now I know that it is unfortunate for females to option to abort or put their child up for adoption. But they do it alot. And as a benefit of the doubt I would say that most do it because of financial or menatal reasons.

All that I am saying is that it make sense to include males in having this option. There are males that are too young, or financially or mentally unable too! After all it is the law to be fair. Rowe vs Wade forgot about the poor male. Americans needed to have spoken up. All males and females need to speak up now on this injustice. This is not a case of Males vs Females but a case of civil rights. Remember that civil rights was about fairness and equality. I need help!

If you would like to help in any way you could with this issue of fairness and equality please feel free to email me personally at:

Thank you,

Maurice Maye


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